Beta Release Notes for macOS

Version 6.11.0 (1679)

Release Date June 03, 2024

Make simple, powerful password management your company’s security goal!

Enpass Business is now fully integrated with Google Workspace! Discover the peace of mind that comes from knowing your team’s credentials are completely safe in your own trusted cloud.

All the incredible features previously available for Enpass + Microsoft 365 clients have come to Google Workspace, including…

  • Unlimited vaults in your trusted Google Drive — no data ever leaves your control
  • Fine-grained password rules and policy enforcement
  • Security monitoring for unsafe passwords and website breaches
  • Customizable one-click password generation, with rules set by your admin
  • Easy provisioning and automatic offboarding
  • Easy, secure, and instant vault sharing for teams
  • Easy and instant permissions management for shared vaults
  • Intuitive apps with seamless syncing
  • Passkeys syncing and other credentials — even documents
  • Customizable templates, categories and tags
  • Access recovery for lost master passwords
  • and much more!

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.10.1 (1659)

Release Date Apr 11, 2024

Hi Enpass fans!

To help your transition to a passwordless future, Enpass now makes it easy to find accounts in your vaults that offer passkey security!

What’s New:

  • A new ‘Passkeys’ section has been added in the ‘Others’ section of the sidebar, showing all your Items with passkeys.
  • A new ‘Passkey Supported’ section has been added in the ‘Audit’ section of the sidebar, showing all your accounts where you could add passkey security.
  • For accounts that offer passkey security, the Item Details screen will now display a ‘Passkey Available’ banner if no passkey is found for the account.
  • Former Dashlane users can now import data via CSV (as well as JSON).


  • When moving an Item between vaults, if that Item belongs to a custom category, that category will now migrate with the Item.
  • No more problems displaying the “&” character in tags.
  • Passkey login is now working at
  • Resolved a problem with Enpass not remembering the keyfile location when the the app has been forced to quit.
  • When adding an email address to an Item, suggestions list will no longer include addresses from Items in your trash.
  • The lock screen won’t go blank anymore while unlocking Enpass with Touch ID.
  • Enpass’s clipboard-clearing security feature will no longer create empty entries in clipboard manager apps.

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.10.0 (1609)

Release Date Jan 15, 2024

Make powerful password management your company’s New Year’s resolution!

Enpass Business is now fully integrated with Google Workspace! No matter how big or small your organization, discover the peace of mind that comes from knowing your team’s credentials are completely safe in your own trusted cloud.

All the incredible features previously available for Enpass + Microsoft 365 clients have come to Google Workspace, including…

  • Unlimited vaults in your trusted Google Drive — no data ever leaves your control
  • Serverless deployment
  • Fine-grained password rules and policy enforcement
  • Security monitoring for unsafe passwords and website breaches
  • Customizable one-click password generation, with rules set by your admin
  • Easy provisioning and automatic offboarding
  • Easy, secure, and instant vault sharing for teams
  • Easy and instant permissions management for shared vaults
  • Intuitive apps with seamless syncing
  • Passkeys syncing and other credentials — even documents
  • Customizable templates, categories and tags
  • Access recovery for lost master passwords
  • and much more!


  • All text entered into Enpass Items is now plain text, to avoid potential security issues with HTML and unsafe image URLs


  • Resolved an Enpass Business vault-access issue related to underscores in users’ email addresses

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.9.3 (1593)

Release Date Dec 27, 2023

Hello Team Enpass! We’ve added some polish and squished some bugs for you!


  • Smoother onboarding process for new users.
  • Smoother scrolling on Item Detail and Settings screens.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Enpass to crash when deleting a custom icon from an Item.
  • Fixed a bug in which selected fields in an Item would lose focus after copying their contents.
  • Enpass now remembers the last location used when navigating your drive to open, save, or attach a file.
  • Fixed an issue of the user interface reloading after an Item is saved or moved to the Trash, Archive, or another vault.


  • Fixed an error that occurred when creating or restoring secondary vaults on OneDrive business account.
  • Fixed an issue causing ‘A Microsoft 365 account issued by your organization is required’ error while sharing a vault.

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.9.2 (1549)

Release Date Oct 20, 2023

Great news for your security! The passwordless future is here with Enpass passkey management!

Hello you fantastic Enpass beta testers! Do we have something great for you in 6.9.2: Enpass can now manage passkeys as well as passwords! Be sure your browser extension are up to date for passkey creation in your browsers.


  • When you create an account using a passkey for authentication, Enpass creates a pair of “keys” that only work when used together.
  • One key lives on the account, and the other lives encrypted in Enpass.
  • When logging in, you use Face ID or Touch ID to allow the two keys to match together, confirming you’re really you.


  • Because passkeys have two parts, kept in different places, they can’t be guessed, stolen, hacked, or captured by scammers — which makes passkeys exponentially more secure than passwords.


  • Passkeys were originally device-specific, but with Enpass, you can sync your passkeys across your devices, making your accounts more secure no matter which device you’re using to login.


  • Fixed a rare crash issue when unlocking with Touch ID
  • Fixed an connection issue with Nextcloud when the server URL contained a port number. 
  • Fixed a problem with the browser extension’s inline menu misbehaving for Items with a custom icon in Enpass.
  • Fixed autofill suggestion bug specific to

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.9.1 (1511)

Release Date Sep 21, 2023

Hello Enpass fans! We’ve crushed a few bugs. Thanks for the bug reports!


  • Fixed some unruly behavior of Tags when syncing vaults across devices.
  • Fixed an iCloud setup/restore bug that would launch your browser instead of identifying the iCloud account associated with your Mac.
  • Fixed overlapping-text issue for Greek and Russian languages.

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.9.0 (1457)

Release Date July 14, 2023

Hello, beta testers! This beta release fixes the following:


  • In Notes and Multiline fields, the Tab key is back to indenting, not switching focus to the next field
  • Improved the logic of how website icons are loaded if Use Website Icon is enabled
  • Rare reauthorization errors on WebDAV sync should be resolved
  • Rare “We couldn’t find any Enpass Business plan associated with this email address” error in the session expired popup should be resolved

Version 6.9.0 (1407)

Release Date Jun 14, 2023

Hello, Enpass beta testers! We have a whole bunch of fixes for you in this new build, plus  encryption updates, and a new template. Let us know if everything is working for you, and thanks for your help! 

What’s New:

  • Template for Cryptocurrency wallets (under Finance in the Add New Items screen)


  • Even stronger encryption (PBKFD2 iteration count has been increased to 3.2L)
    (Note: Will require a one-time second authorization for using biometrics)


  • Sidebar and Items List width will no longer revert to previous sizes after restarting Enpass.
  • If your Items List displays subtitles, credit card numbers are now hidden again.
  • The Copy button should be working again when adding items via the browser extension.
  • While syncing with iCloud the cache files will clear on restart.
  • When the Enpass backup location is changed, this should no longer lead to multiple backup sub-folders.
  • Searching now works for password that contains the “%” symbol.
  • Quitting Enpass from an error page should no longer disconnect Folder Sync.
  • Having a space in a WebDAV folder name should no longer produce a 906409 error.
  • A rare problem saving changes to Items has been resolved.
  • A rare problem with the browser extension freezing has been resolved.

Version 6.8.5 (1257)

Release Date Feb 13, 2023

Hello, everyone!

We’ve fixed a few of user-reported bugs that affected Enpass personal and business users.


  • Fixed an issue in which an error 1208968 would occur if an Enpass Personal user chose OneDrive for Business as their vault location. Users who encountered this error would now need to disconnect, then set up the sync again in Settings > Vaults.
  • Fixed Unsandboxed Password Manager vulnerability.
  • Fixed an issue where the Enpass extension sometimes (after unlocking Enpass) was showing non-matching, default items on a website.
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior of Enpass extension on safari, where the auto-fill pop up was displayed on certain pages.


  • When creating vaults on SharePoint sites, Enpass Business users should no longer encounter “Something went wrong: Error code -500” message.
  • When backing up vaults, Enpass Business users should no longer encounter… 
    • Infinite wait time while performing “Erase everything”.
    • Failure when backing up personal vaults.

Version 6.8.4 (1165)

Release Date Oct 20, 2022

Hello, everyone! We’ve improved security and squashed some annoying little bugs in this release.

What’s New:

  • Added SSL certificate pinning for stronger security when communicating with Enpass servers.


  • Fixed: In browser extension, sometimes keyboard shortcuts were not working properly for copying username or passwords from the List View.
  • Fixed: “Invalid Secret Key” error when generating one-time codes of more than 100 characters.
  • Fixed: In some cases, passwords changed on one device were not syncing correctly, even though other updates did.

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.8.3 (1151)

Release Date Sep 27, 2022


  • Minor bug fixes.

Versioni 6.8.3 (1135)

Release Date Sep 08, 2022

Hello, everyone! We have some great changes for you in this release, including site-specific generated passwords, several improvements for Enpass Business users, and a handful of squished bugs. 

What’s New:

  • Enpass can now import new .1pux format from 1Password.
  • Enpass can now import CSV format from Myki.
  • Built-in Password Generator now checks if a website has specific password requirements before generating password suggestions.
  • In compliance with new Apple requirements, Enpass for iOS and macOS now include in-app account-deletion option.


  • Vaults can now be created and stored in the Files section of Microsoft Teams channels.
  • Search is now available when opening or creating a vault in SharePoint Sites and Teams Channels.
  • Admins can now specify requirements and restrictions for Enpass to use when generating passwords.
  • Admins can now specify terms that should be discouraged from use in passwords.
  • Admins can now set users’ ability to create and share secondary vaults.


  • Fixed an issue where Enpass could sync continuously, waiting for reauthentication.
  • Fixed blank window (and related issues) when updating an Enpass Item through the browser extension.
  • Password History duplication (due to incorrect timestamp during sync) has been resolved.
  • Brave Browser’s newest code signature is now recognized by the Enpass browser extension.
  • WebDAVNav users with Digest Authentication enabled should no longer be asked to reauthenticate.
  • Fixed error when creating a second vault in Nextcloud using different credentials but the same URL. 

Questions? Visit for help, email, or tweet @EnpassApp.

Version 6.8.2 (1083)

Release Date Jun 29, 2022

Hello everyone. Big news for M1 Mac users: Enpass is now native for Apple Silicon! Other improvements and bug fixes include…

What’s New:

  • Enpass now runs natively on Apple Silicon.


  • The Inline Autofill Popup in Safari now displays suggestions sorted alphabetically.
  • The Enpass icon that appears inside fillable fields on webpages has been updated.
  • Improved Enpass’s behavior on webpages using iframes.
  • Improved Enpass’s ability to identify different kind of fields on webpages for better autofilling.


  • On pages with nested iframes, the Inline Autofill Popup Menu was displaying above some fields instead of below. This issue is now fixed.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Version 6.8.1 (1065)

Release Date May 19, 2022


  • Fixed an issue with Dropbox syncing where the users were required to “Re-authenticate” with Dropbox very frequently.
  • Other minor crashes and fixes.

Version 6.8.0 (1057)

Release Date May 01, 2022

As we gear up for the final release, fixing a few issues reported by our awesome Beta testers:


  • Few users started getting 405 syncing error code with WebDAV if used with NAS. Fixed.
  • Box users started getting blank Sync error messages on updation to the beta version. Fixed.

Version 6.8.0 (1009)

Release Date Mar 22, 2022

Good day, beta users!

Today we are very excited to present this beta version, packed with lot of new features and improvements. The list of changes is long enough to keep you busy;-)


  • Automatic Compromised Password Checker: Compromised Password checker can now run automatically whenever a new item is added or an existing item is updated to ensure you don’t have any breached data on your vaults. Just head over to Advanced Preferences and enable the check box.
  • Enpass now gives suggestions of the most-used Usernames, email, and Phone numbers stored in the selected vault for better usability while creating a new item.
  • Users would now have an option to fill in passwords from password history on the Edit page.
  • You can now reveal an item’s password by pressing the option keys on the keyboard.
  • Added an indicator to show if the Caps lock is on while entering Master Password.
  • Now you can merge data from a backup vault to any existing vault. Just Select Import > Enpass > Backup file> Select the backup file from your machine> Select the Vault you want to merge in> Enter the master password of the backup vault.
  • While generating a password now, you will get an increased limit of up to 100 characters.
  • The ‘Show More’ button is back on the Enpass Assistant, hoping all your concerns with the ‘Match URL hostname’ functionality are gone for good.
  • Enpass now supports variable period while generating one-time code. By default, the period will be 30 seconds unless specified by the TOTP URI.
  • Updated pasteboard flags while copying data from Enpass.
  • Enpass now shows a warning message on trying to remove a vault that has un-synced changes.


  • Few of you reported an issue with extra spaces being added before the parentheses while adding/editing any text in any field. Fixed.
  • Enpass marked TOTP as invalid if the TOTP had ‘\n’ in the secret key. Fixed.
  • Rectified an issue where the passwords were getting truncated on printing the item if the escape characters (‘<‘ and ‘=’) were present in the password.
  • Fixed an issue where the item list is fetched multiple times on unlocking the assistant.
  • Fixed an issue where Emojis under items is displayed as a set of horizontal lines.
  • Fixed an issue where the text was getting truncated in the Korean language.
  • Few of you were Unable to launch URL with Unicode characters from the Enpass detail page. Fixed.
  • Few of you started getting “nothing to import” while importing from Bitwarden (because of a change in Folder keys). Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where a few of you could not print items from Enpass.
  • The identity items will now have the First name + Last name as subtitles.
  • Fixed an issue where the spaces after commas were not displayed.

Version 6.7.4 (951)

Release Date Nov 18, 2021

Good day, everyone! Today we are excited to bring this great update to you.

First thing that you can’t miss is the latest mac-style icon of Enpass. The next excitement is the whole new autofill experience with latest Enpass browser extensions. Previously, you had to move your cursor all the way to the Enpass icon in the browser toolbar to initiate autofill. Now, we’ve replaced this dull behavior with a smart, lightweight autofill popup menu that will appear on the web page itself with a list of suggestions to choose from. This blazingly fast autofill experience is there for all the supported browsers.
Happy autofilling!!

What’s New:

  • Autofill using inline popup: Experience the new Safari extension that supports autofill using the inline popup menu, which is enabled by default, and presents the logins, credit cards and identities right there on the loaded forms on the webpage. This update has been made for all supported browsers.
  • Freshly updated brand new Enpass icon.
  • Keyboard shortcuts: Additional options to set keyboard shortcuts in your browser extensions to lock, autofill, and activate Enpass. The existing shortcuts (if any) will be reset.


  • Some of you were getting a message —This version of Enpass is out of date— on launching the Enpass app. This has been fixed.
  • While importing data from 1Password, some items were missing due to the large size of the note items. This has been fixed.
  • Enpass was updating the password of another item with the same username. This has been fixed.

Version 6.7.2 (885)

Release Date Sep 06, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where on macOS Big Sur, the Enpass window was coming to the foreground after the system restart.
  • Fixed an issue where Enpass Assistant was not autofilling on the first attempt after unlock.
  • The former Enpass version was able to import 1Password data only from the 1PIF folder. We have added a new option as “.1PIF file” alongside “.1PIF folder”. Fixed the issue where some users were not able to select the .1PIF file while importing 1Password data.
  • Fixed an issue where the trashed items were also included in the Identical items list under Audit.
  • Hint for the Search field in Enpass Assistant was being overlapped in the Chinese Language. Fixed.

Version 6.7.0 (865)

Release Date Aug 06, 2021

Thank you for the positive response to the Wi-Fi Sync! We have handled few bugs reported by you in this update. Detailed changelog as follow: 

  • After the recent Chrome browser update, the “Unknown Browser” message appeared on launching the browser extension. Fixed.
  • Updated translations for WiFi-Sync specific strings.
  • Updated few error messages shown while fetching vaults to be more descriptive. 
  • Other minor UI fixes.

We love hearing from you, and we’d love for your input on our support channels :

Twitter: @EnpassApp

Version 6.7.0 (849)

Release Date July 15, 2021

Hello everyone in our beta testing community! We are overjoyed to have you folks with us.

The word of the day for this beta release is Wi-Fi Sync. Yes, you got it right. Enpass can now work as a complete offline password manager letting you sync data between your devices over the Wi-Fi or local network, i.e. without using any cloud service.

What are you waiting for? Buckle up to get your hands dirty on this exciting new beta. Please report all the bugs with your frustration and love here

Community Forums [Beta section]:

What’s New:

  • Introducing Wi-Fi Sync as a new way to sync data, without using any cloud service. You can now sync between devices connected over your Wi-Fi or local network. Read more about it here


  • All the tiles on the Audit dashboard with zero count will now be actionable, and count ‘0’ will be displayed in green color as good health.


  • Fixed an issue where the item being edited was not prompted to save the changes if user clicked on any other item in list.
  • On launching the URL from Assistant’s detail page, Enpass was opening it in default browser instead of in the context of that particular browser.
  • Fixed an issue where the Assistant was overlapping the Dock, especially when the Dock was right aligned.
  • Some WebDAV servers were dropping the connection with Enpass because of “Mozilla” being used as User-Agent in the network requests. Fixed this issue by changing the User-Agent to “Mozilla 5.0 Enpass”.
  • Enpass was hanging on changing the backup location. Fixed.
  • Deleted Webform fields were left as zombie until the item itself was not deleted. Fixed.

Version 6.6.3 (839)

Release Date Jun 09, 2021

Turns out we let a small bug slid through that prevented Mojave users from enabling Touch ID. Along with this issue we have also tucked a couple more fixes in.

Thank you everyone who reported this bug; we really appreciate it.


  • Fixed an issue where the touch ID option was disabled for Mojave users.
  • Other browser extension fixes.

Version 6.6.2 (825)

Release Date April 26, 2021

What’s New:

  • We have changed the way how Enpass used to add shared items. Earlier, Enpass read the clipboard for shared items on every launch automatically. Now Enpass won’t automatically read the clipboard; you can add any shared item by selecting ‘Add an item from clipboard’ on the add item screen, or you can enable the ‘Check clipboard for shared items’ setting under Advanced Preferences to explicitly allow Enpass to read the clipboard as before.
  • Added an option on welcome screen to Activate Enpass allowing you to activate your license immediately after installation.


  • Fixed an issue while importing notes from Roboform.
  • Fixed an issue while autofilling the data imported from Roboform.
  • Other minor bug fixes and crashes to improve reliability and performance.

Version 6.6.1 (807)

Release Date March 23, 2021


  • We have squashed a bug that escaped our last beta release, where an empty vault was displayed after opening the lid.

Version 6.6.1 (799)

Release Date March 17, 2021


  • Resolved the issue with Touch id on the website version of Enpass.
  • Some of users reported Enpass window getting transparent. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue with translation where the button to generate password on Edit page got invisible for Italian & Spanish language users.
  • Fixed other minor bugs and crashes.

Version 6.6.0 (773)

Release Date February 05, 2021


  • Quick! This patch release takes care of the sync issue with One Drive and Dropbox faced by a few of you.

Version 6.6.0 (765)

Release Date January 25, 2021

Good day everyone! Here comes the new, shiny update of Enpass. With this release, your security has gone a few notches higher with an improved Audit Section.

What’s New: 

  • Breach Monitoring | CURRENTLY VISIBLE TO PREMIUM USERS ONLY: Enpass has got new brains to notify you about website breaches so that you always stay on top of your security. Change passwords of vulnerable accounts as soon as you get alerts. All the checking happens locally on your device without sending any URLs to us.
  • 2FA Supported Logins | CURRENTLY VISIBLE TO PREMIUM USERS ONLY: Identify your accounts that support 2FA but don’t have one-time codes saved in Enpass. You can go through the list and choose not to save one-time codes in Enpass if you’re using any other method like call, email, or text for second-factor authentication.
  • Enpass Assistant has got better with a lot of new features suggested by you all. You can now add new logins, edit them directly from the browser extension without jumping on to the main app. Also, the detail page of any item in the assistant will show the associated tags as well.
  • New Audit section design as a single-entry dashboard to review any possible vulnerabilities regarding your accounts and passwords.
  • Now you see a prominent warning header on the item’s details page if that particular website is breached in the past, supports 2FA, or the password of that item is weak, compromised, identical, or has expired.
  • Nextcloud users, now you have a direct option to set up your sync. If you’ve enabled 2FA in your Nextcloud account, you don’t have to create an App password if you do it using this option.


  • Faster restore from cloud now, with improvements in the attachment download process.
  • All your items under ‘Expiring tomorrow’ and ‘Expiring in a week’ will now be listed under ‘Expiring Soon.’


  • Item counts in the sidebar were getting disappeared on trying to search for an item. Fixed.
  • Few of you were unable to select the text in the search field in Enpass. Fixed.
  • Fixed a few issues with Touch id.
  • Custom icons were not showing up for few users who had synced with multiple devices. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue in auto-filling items having URLs in Chinese language.
  • On launching from the System tray, the maximized window of Enpass was not minimizing.
  • Fixed an issue where the app showed a gray screen when opened after quitting on MacOS High-Sierra.
  • Fixed an issue where Custom section names were not displayed from items created via custom template having custom sections.
  • The app became unresponsive if it had ‘-‘ in the vault name. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where webform data was not getting copied on duplicating an item.

Version 6.5.1 (721)

Release Date September 30, 2020


  • Duplicate any item now via the option in the main list context menu.
  • Sorting of the Custom icons now in Reverse chronological order.
  • Just to let you know that you have successfully copied the password via a shortcut, Now you will get a notification when you copy the password to the clipboard with a shortcut.


  • Subtags under the tag were getting collapsed after locking and unlocking of the app. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue with Enpass Assistant, where X (Close) button was not visible when Enpass is locked in docked mode.
  • Few users reported they were unable to edit an item on Double-clicking. Fixed.
  • Fixed issues with Shortcuts not working in the last update.
  • An issue with the alignment of a few buttons in the German language. Fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where Enpass Assistant launches even when the ‘Ask to save new logins’ option is disabled.
  • Enpass was not retaining the size of the window. Fixed.
  • Other minor crashes and bug fixes.

Version 6.5.0 (701)

Release Date September 03, 2020


  • A few of you reported issues with shortcuts (cmd+S, cmd+W) on the New App, Fixed.
  • Problems with Sync on few WebDAV accounts. Fixed.
  • Other minor crashes and fixes.

Version 6.5.0 (699)

Release Date August 26, 2020

What’s New: 

  • UI Improvements.
  • Added an option to delete the unnecessary fields from the saved webforms. Navigate to the ‘Show Webform’ on detail page of item.


  • Fixed an issue where some of OneDrive users were getting a password-mismatch error as “Password of data on OneDrive is required”. Now fixed. Affected users first need to delete data from OneDrive (Option to delete data is presented while disconnecting sync from cloud).
  • Few of our users reported getting an error code 1208400, while syncing with OneDrive. Fixed. 
  • Fixed an issue with the order of fields getting shuffled for a custom template on syncing with other devices. 
  • An issue with custom icons being displayed as black. Fixed. 
  • Fixed an issue where the deleted items were visible under associated tags. 
  • Autofill for Microsoft account was not working on Safari. Fixed.
  • Squashed a bug with CSV importer.
  • Instead of the word TOTP, Enpass now uses the terminology One-time passwords.
  • Issue with URL marked as private was not masked. Fixed.
  • Some of keyboard shortcuts were not working consistently in Enpass assistant. Fixed.
  • The cloud icon was not being displayed on the vault list. Fixed.
  • Other minor crashes and fixes.

Version 6.4.2 (667)

Release Date May 15, 2020


  • The last release had introduced few issues with the new functionality of include in password generator, and this build takes care of them all.
  • Minor enhancements to Autofill for safari.
  • Enpass used to open a new tab for autofilling on few sites. Fixed.
  • Few of you were facing issues with Enpass extension for Vivaldi. Fixed.
  • An issue with import, where the secret key was displayed instead of the TOTP. Fixed.
  • Last item of Tags was getting duplicated. Fixed.
  • Other minor bug fixes & crashes.

Version 6.4.1 (641)

Release Date March 25, 2020

What’s New: 

  • Advanced password generator has gone a step further. Along with the option to exclude symbols—while generating random passwords—now you can control which symbols should only be included in generated passwords.


  • Fixed an issue where some users were not able to sync with OneDrive after the last update.
  • Fixed an issue with iCloud sync, which was getting signed out after a day, Just reconnect your iCloud account.
  • An issue with clipboard data not getting cleared. Fixed.
  •  Other minor bug fixes & crashes.

Version 6.4.0 (627)

Release Date February 19, 2020

What’s New: 

  • Support for OneDrive Business: This much-requested feature is finally here! You can add your Office 365 Business accounts to configure sync with Enpass. Also, please, note that your current OneDrive sync will be disabled, and you would need to set up it again.
  • Keyboard Shortcut to reveal Password: Instead of clicking the button to reveal a password, you can view it directly by pressing a shortcut Cmd+Shift+H while viewing the item detail window.


  • Improved Autofill on Safari.
  • The selected item was not getting deleted on pressing the delete button. Fixed.
  • Issue with TOTP fields while importing from other password managers. Fixed.
  • Tag updation was not triggering the auto-sync. Fixed.
  • Improved performance for the item listing making it faster to load the items.
  • In the Spanish language, the login items were not correctly listed under Login category.
  • Other minor bug fixes & crashes.

Version 6.3.2 (599)

Release Date December 12, 2019


  • Few users reported iClould sync error in the last update. Fixed.
  • While editing an item, users were unable to copy the passwords. Fixed.
  • Some of the Pro users were unable to restore purchases. Fixed.
  • Resolved a few crashes reported in the last update.
  • Other minor fixes.

Version 6.3.1 (583)

Release Date November 27, 2019


  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to use TOTP and getting “Invalid TOTP” as message.
  • Squashed couple of crashes which caused the app to misbehave in certain scenarios.

Version 6.3.0 (579)

Release Date November 19, 2019


One of the most awesome treats you get with the new update is 100% free access on all desktop apps. That’s right! Just register your Enpass using an email ID and enjoy the app in its full capacity, ABSOLUTELY FREE.


Everyone loves confidentiality and privacy, especially when your digital assets are concerned. That is why you love Enpass, and we value your love for Enpass.

Adhering to the same principle of being completely offline, we haven’t made any architectural changes in Enpass. Your data will stay with you like it always had and remains outside our jurisdiction. So with the same peace of mind, create your Enpass account and register your purchases with us.

Version 6.2.0 (533)

Release Date September 06, 2019

What’s New: 

  • Long-awaited support for Favicons is now available in Enpass as Website Icons. Yippe! Jump on to Enpass Settings -> Customize -> Website Icons and see the list swapping default icons to the respective URLs. We know you are eager to discern what exactly is happening behind the scenes. Most of the queries popping in your mind should be addressed here, if you still have some concerns feel free to reach out to support at


  • We have increased the word-count for pronounceable passwords to 15.
  • The main list now supports Incremental search while typing. Without using the search box, you can now jump to the item by typing the first few characters of the title.
  • Every password field in Enpass is now a Secure field i.e it will erase password from memory once done with it.


  • Fixed the issue with the app getting unresponsive on trying to quit.
  • Resolved an issue with folder sync where it stopped syncing on next start with error “Destination folder on sync is unreachable”.
  • Fixed an issue where the focus was shifted to the first item in searched results after saving changes in any item.
  • Fixed an issue where old passwords of an item can be found in memory dump after opening its history.
  • While taking a backup of a vault, the descriptive filename of the backup file is now pre-filled on save dialog.

Version 6.1.2 (497)

Release Date August 05, 2019


  • Resolved the issue with slow processing of the app & high memory consumption.
  • Other minor fixes.

Version 6.1.1 (463)

Release Date July 02, 2019


  • Now use PageUp/PageDown and Home/End buttons to scroll through items in the item listing.


  • Resolved issue with resizing of Enpass assistant on multi monitor with different resolutions.
  • Fixed few issue with folder sync.
  • Few users reported issues while importing data from other password managers. Fixed.
  • Issue with items with very long title name overlapping other items in list.
  • Issue with the item notes not being copied from the Enpass assistant. Fixed.
  • Other minor fixes.