
Limited processing power, memory, input capabilities and lack of APIs restrict Enpass to perform any true cryptographic operations on the supported wearables. Security of your data on wearables relies on default security provided by OS.

Apple Watch and Android Wearables

Enpass for Apple Watch and Android wearable works only with the main Enpass app, installed on paired iPhone or Android device using Apple Watchkit and Android Wearable Data Layer API respectively. Only those items are accessible on Watch which you manually mark as a Watch item on the main Enpass app. These shared items are stored on Watch and instead of your master password, they’re protected by watch OS. However, these stored items do not leave the watch in any case; neither during the backup of iTunes and nor of iCloud Keychain. For extra safety, along with the Watch PIN, you can enable the PIN for Enpass on Watch also. Otherwise, if anyone gets access to your watch, will be able to see the items stored on it without any authorization required. So, one should use Apple watch with great attention and care.

User’s Responsibility

Using Enpass on Watch is like carrying your physical wallet. For better security of your data, while using wearables, it is advised to

  • Use a good device passcode.
  • Use a good Enpass Watch PIN Code.
  • Avoid storing unnecessary items on Watch. Only the frequently used short items like locker code etc. must be shared for Watch access.